

Preparing A Pet First Aid Kit

Preparing A Pet First Aid Kit

Being prepared for anything is vital when you’re a pet parent, especially when it comes to first aid. Having a first aid kit prepared for your pets is extremely useful in case of emergency. Here is what you need to know about pet first aid and how to prepare a pet first aid kit! 

Preparing your pet first aid kit:

The first thing you’ll need is the first aid kit itself. Your pet’s first aid kit should be easily accessible to you but out of reach from your pets and children. You’ll need to ensure that your pet first aid kit contains the following: 

- Gauze

- Bandages

- Adhesive Medical Tape

F10 Germicidal Ointment

Vetericyn Antimicrobial Wound & Skin Care

Beaphar Feet Balsam

- Iodine

- Cotton balls/pads

- Alcohol

- Saline Solution

- Disposable Gloves

Bioline Eye Care

Beaphar Intestipro

Beaphar Ear Cleaner

- Forceps

Having these items available and accessible will be helpful for not only emergencies, but also for regular cleaning and maintenance. Be sure that however you store it, it’s clearly labeled as a pet first aid kit to avoid any confusion. 

Taking precautions: 

There are a number of steps to follow before taking action when it comes to pet first aid. Firstly, you’ll need to assess the problem. If your pet is crying or whining excessively, or you notice a limp, you’ll need to try to find the source of the problem. You can try to muzzle your dog if they’re agitated, or gently wrap your pet up in a towel or blanket to try to keep them calm while you check them for any signs of injury. Try to minimize their movement in case it worsens the pain. Ideally you should contact your vet for a check up if the pain is too severe, or if you’re unable to check them properly. 

Treating wounds:

If your pet has been cut, or involved in a fight and you want to take immediate action before taking them to the vet, check for any signs of bleeding. You’ll need to apply pressure to the wound using a clean gauze pad until the bleeding stops. You can use Vetericyn Antimicrobial Wound & Skin Care to help clean the wound and help the healing process start. Once you’ve cleaned and disinfected the wound, you can use bandages and gauze to cover the wound, taking caution not to wrap the bandages too tightly. Once the wound has been seen to and your pet has calmed down, you can also take your pet to the vet to have it properly looked at. DO NOT give your pets any over-the-counter medicine that your vet has not specifically prescribed. 

Your vet may give you a protective collar to help prevent your pet from licking or biting at their wounds, or in some cases, a medical jacket. 

Urgent action:

If your pet is in dire need of help, your immediate response should be to take them to the vet. Your local vet will be well-equipped and qualified to help your pet in any emergency situation. In more urgent cases, you may need to try to step in to intervene. In the event of choking, heat stroke, burns or severe wounds, you should contact your vet’s emergency number for advice on how to deal with the situation, if you’re unable to take them immediately. Your vet is qualified to provide you with the right advice on how to deal with these situations. 

In these situations it’s best to stay calm and try to keep your fur-baby calm as well. Our pets respond to our emotions and avoiding panic is the best way to keep them calm and from hurting themselves further. By having a first aid kit prepared you’ll be ready for any emergency situation!

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